
Seriously? Again?

So the common theme of our lives since we've been married seems to be "everything changes." And the events of the past week compliment that theme beautifully.

If you have not heard heard any other way, we're moving again! This is a very new and recent thing that just came up in the last few weeks (about a week after Becky started her new job here in Bloomington-gotta love the timing).

A few weeks ago Derek got a call from the Army Corps of Engineers in Rock Island, Illinois (where Becky's sister Rachel works). They had an opening for a Geologist and were interested in him specifically. He went up there for an interview and was hearing some favorable feedback indicating that he would likely be offered a position. Then finally at the begining of this week he was offered one. It is an incredible opportunity and a position he will be able to grow tremendously in, both in experience and professionally as well as financially. It would provide tremendous security for our little family that will be a welcome change after living the last 4 years on one income-a Social Worker's income at that! We felt that we had to take it given that it was the kind of job that he was going to grad school to get anyhow! So he officially accepted it yesterday and has a tentative start date of September 7th. He plans to eventually go back to school and finish his grad degree. Once he's at the Corp long enough they'll actually pay for it/give him the time off to complete it while still paying his salary. Not a bad deal!

So now another fun transition begins. Becky's last day at her job here in Bloomington is September 22nd. We plan to do one big move the weekend of September 17-19th. We will be renting a U-haul truck and we hope to pack it later Friday evening on the 17th (going into Saturday morning if we need to) and then driving to the Quad Cities late Saturday morning to unpack the truck so we can return it that night. Becky is currently applying for jobs in the QC area and hopes to start somewhere the begining of October. Although it wouldn't absolutely necessary for Becky to work, it will help us to save for a house a whole bunch sooner. So our hope is that Becky can work for a few more years until we are in a house and the second one comes along and then she will stay home. Because once we buy a house in the QC area we are not moving to another town again. EVER. We are so sick of moving and sending out emails like these every few years! Apparently transition happens quite a bit when someone in the marriage is always in school. We have to admit we are happy to be done with that for now.

Anyhow-if you could, please be in prayer for us regarding this transition. We have alot to do in the next 30-45 days. Becky needs a new job, we need a place to live and day care for Grace. We have some leads on housing and day care that we are still looking at and Becky has put out about 5-6 applications, but we have not heard anything yet. We know that God has this worked out for us, but prayers are still appreciated!

Also, if you are in the Bloomington or Quad Cities area (or want to be that weekend) and are interested in helping, we could sure use it! Let us know when/if you think you would be able to help. We promise to reward you with food and desserts. Plus, the best helper of them all gets extra cuddle time with Gracie! Nothing like using your kid as leverage, right?

Thanks to you all. We'll update everyone on our new address as soon as we know it ourselves. Phone numbers and email will stay the same.

Love, Derek and Becky (and Grace and Doogan)

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